What Is Quality Of Service In Networking

What Is Quality Of Service In Networking 

Quality of Service (QoS) becomes an important factor when you are in charge of managing a network. Based on the traffic type and its importance, you can assign priorities to different network traffics like admin traffic, production server traffic, testing server traffic etc.

The Quality of Service (QoS) was introduced in the computer networks field to give more priorities to some data packets over others.
You can relate it to something like this — There is a counter to serve people with movie tickets. But, there is a reservation at the counter. Some people have the privilege to stand in a separate row and this way, they are also served faster than others.
Analogically, replace the people with data packets. Some data packets have the privilege to be thrown on the network first compared to the other data packets. Maybe, because they have paid more to the ISP or for some other reasons.
So, let’s take a deeper look into the technicalities behind this.
The QoS has some inherent properties which define it technically more and better. These factors are:
  • Dedicated bandwidth
  • Controlled jitter
  • Latency, and
  • Improved data loss characteristics.
Also, this is very important to understand that if one of the data flows are processed earlier, that does not mean that other flows are getting failed. It’s just that other queues are being processed with lower priorities than the high-priority queues.

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